About Us
About Us
We are part of a larger organisation in the Conneely Group, Ballinasloe. The main trading company in the group is Brian Conneely & Co. Ltd., which is a building, civil engineering & plant company. Website: conneelybuilders.ie
Tullyvor Ltd is the supply company for Engineering, Construction, Health & Safety and Solar products.
Business to Business Service
We are providing a business-to-business service.
Tullyvor has a facility at Perssepark, Ballinasloe. The administration is carried out from the Conneely Group offices at Perssepark, Ballinasloe.

Financial and Resources
The Conneely Group has an excellent financial trading record and has been trading successfully since 1994.
We have an excellent credit rating with the main banks and we have the financial backing to import large quantities of product for our customers. We have an excellent accounting firm, RBK, dealing with our accounts, who are an international company. Our Senior Accounts Manager, Nuala Barrett, will assist Joe Keenan who has many years’ experience dealing with large companies. Our organisation is capable of dealing with imports from outside the EU.
Solar Products

Further information coming soon!
Health & Safety Products

Safety equipment for the engineering and construction business.
Including safety clothing, safety glasses, masks, helmets, gloves, wellingtons, Hi-Vis jackets / trousers / bibs, safety boots, handheld welding shield, goggles, dust masks, earmuffs, welding gloves, Swarfega and wipes.
Engineering Products

Numerous products for the engineering and construction business.
Ranging from energy saving LED lighting to vehicle batteries.